As designers it is important to fully understand the relationship of our work within any given space as it is intended to be experienced. This will usually, but not always, be from the pedestrian view at ground level. We do however spend a lot of time analysing and planning spaces in 2D from a birds eye view perspective, which is not how the spaces we design are typically experienced once they are created on the ground.
Elevated views do provide a magical experience, especially when viewing planting, as these photographs show, but they lack the layers and depth of character that can be achieved when you immerse yourself within a space.
At Southern Green we utilise a range of design tools such as 3D modelling and perspective sketching within our survey, analysis and design development work. This allows us to present our work at the design stage in a clear and understandable way, whilst at the same time ensuring the spaces we create are unique, memorable and appropriately sensitive within the context of their surroundings.
The Armstrong Courtyard photographs at Newcastle University, are courtesy of Gary Bell at Elemental Photography Newcastle:
©Elemental Photography Newcastle
©Elemental Photography Newcastle