We have such a diverse and broad wealth of knowledge here at SG, and today one of our staff facilitated a lunchtime session in the garden on planting combinations. After visiting Edinburgh Botanical gardens a couple of weeks ago, Morag was inspired by the planting in the long herbaceous border. The planting was based around an analogue scheme, where colours adjacent on the colour wheel are used. On this occasion, Morag chose to use the cooler colours of blues, purples and a splash of pink off set by silver foliage. The plants chosen were Agastache ‘Beelicious Purple’, Artemesia Powis Castle, Phlox flame ‘Pink’, Geranium ‘Rozanne’, Nepeta Blue Prelude, Miscanthus Gracilimus and Nepeta Junior Walker. All of these specimens will flower from early Summer right through to early Autumn. During the session plant families were also explored, as three of the above are in the same Lamiaceae family, with scented foliage and are excellent for pollinators.
The team thoroughly enjoyed the session, and we can’t wait for the next one!