Watford Borough Council (WBC)
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Building renders provided by Xsite Architecture
Southern Green was initially appointed by Watford Borough Council (WBC) working alongside SLC to develop a masterplan and feasibility study to enhance the existing sporting.
Southern Green Ltd is working alongside Xsite Architecture & wider design team to design and deliver a new £6.3m Community Sports Hub Village. The principles of the scheme aim to provide flagship up-to date accessible facilities for cricket, football and boxing catering for participants of all ages, abilities and all genders.
The Community Sports Hub Village will include community spaces, community café, modern accessible changing facilities and a new multi-purpose community hall. The design solutions aim to inject new life into the existing historic buildings and external areas, combining new build with remodelling and sensitive restoration. External works will comprise of a flexible courtyard space in the Victorian Stable yard complex, creation of new adventurous play zones, enhancing the parkland setting, improvement to site infrastructure with new circulation routes and improved parking provision.