Southern Green was commissioned by Watford Borough Council to develop proposals from concept to implementation for a number of unique facilities forming Oxhey Activity Park. The new park aspires to create one of the most innovative environments for wheeled sports in the UK.
Facilities cater for all types of boards, bikes, scooters, skates and blades and were designed to maximise participation of all ages, genders and abilities. Each feature has been carefully positioned to encourage users to progress from one space to another as well as try new activities. Southern Green Ltd collaborated with Active Communities Experiences who specialise in Active Places and wheeled sports facilities.
The development also includes a café with a riverside terrace, accessible adventurous play facilities, improved walking and cycling routes as well as range of biodiversity improvements which will enhance the River Colne corridor.
To see the facilities in use and get an overview of the site please watch the footage on the following links video 1, video 2.